Week 5 Reflection

Respond to each of the following points (using complete sentences or paragraphs). You should include as much detail as possible in your responses.

  1. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the planning; I did encounter a few problems during planning, as I was initially stuck for an idea, and although I love the storyline that I came up with it is quite complex and will take me a while to film. Another problem that I encountered was that I left my storyboards and planning in Bali when I visited my dad over the holidays, and because of this it took me a while to finish drawing my storyboards because I didn't know which scene I was up to and I didn't end up finishing by the start of term so it ate into my filming time.
  1. List the steps you took (or need to take) to improve in this area; The problem of my storyboards being left in Bali was fixed quite easily as my dad scanned and emailed them to me, however next time it would be better if I was more organised and didn't forget things so easily.
  2. Discuss whether you planned your project effectively (did you do enough planning); I believe that I did plan my animation effectively, because as i mentioned in my reflections, my storyboards are quite detailed and depict pretty much every little action that my characters make.
  3. Discuss how the use of storyboards and shot-lists assisted throughout the filming process; Storyboards and shot lists have been of great assistance throughout the filming process so far as they have helped my to keep on track and use my time effectively as I am aware of how much I have done and how much I need to do. They also assisted me in that I didn' have to stop filming at various points and think about what do do next, and they also kept me content with what I had filmed so I did'n't change my ming and redo scenes.
  4. Describe any problems or difficulties you encountered during the filming process. These may include; time-management and organisation problems, damage to your sets/props/characters, misjudging the amount of time required to animate. Throughout the filming process I encountered many problems, particularly in the area of time management and organisation. Both making my characters and sets took much more time than expected as I took the time to experiment with different ways to make them, and so didm't begin filming when I should have. Another issue was that my USB went corrupt and so there was a short period in which I didn't have one, where I lost a test animation and part of a scene, which I had to re-film. Another issue that arose when I was filming was that my character was not very stable on his feet and falls over quite frequently, which really slows down my animation progress. At t=my current rate I don't think I have enough time to finish my film, and so am going to start taking laptops out more frequently in order to get it done.
  5. After reviewing progress so far, describe any aspects of your animation, which need to be addressed. i.e do you need to reshoot any scenes; are any additional shots required; are there any scenes which worked better than expected. After a rewiew of my progress, I realise that two of my scenes had been shot in iSight full, rather than DVPAL Widescreen, and although it would be best if I re-film these, I don't believe I have the time before I have to alter my set. One scen that did turn out better than expected was the talking scene, scene 2, as I actually managed to make my characters' mouths move, a feat which I did not originally believe possible.
Discuss your feelings about the production task:
  1. Are you satisfied with your result so far? Yes, I am quite satisfied with my result so far in terms of the quality of animation as it is very smooth and so looks really cool, however I do believe that should have filmed more by this point and so am behind in terms of time-management.
  2. Would like to change any aspects of your film? If I had the time, I would have liked to spend more time on my character's walk cycle so that I could make it more realistic and less jerky, and even increase the frame rate to 15fps rather than 12 so that I could make my film event smoother.
  3. If you could start the project again what would you do differently? If I could start the project again, I would like to get into the filming process sooner so that I could have more time to improve the quality of my film and redo scenes if I required. I may even choose a simpler idea, because that way I could focus on my character's a it more and making them more alive, or at least do my animation with a partner.
  4. List any skills, techniques or tricks you have discovered during the project. I did learn a few skills during the project, such as how to create a sturdy character, how to make my characters talk, effective ways to move the camera and how to make my character move realistically.

Discuss whether you undertook adequate and detailed reflection to throughout your project. Have you provided enough evidence to support your work? (Look back at your blogs/journals and think about whether it looks like 8 weeks worth of work).
I dont really believe that my blog looks like 8 weeks of work, because even though i was away for a week, I didn't really do much in class over the first few weeks and my reflections aren't as detailed and there aren't as many as I would like there to have been as I have been working really slowly.


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