To start off, I liquefied the image to change the shape of his mouth, lowered his eyebrows and bring them closer together, make his cheeks more prominent, and enlarged his eyes. I duplicate the image and used the magic wand tool to select only his skin and add a mask. After this I changed the hue and saturation of his skin to make it a similar colour to my first avatar. I then duplicated this layer and inverted the mask so that its showed the hair and the background. To select only the hair I again used the magic wand tool to select the background, then selected the mask and used the paint bucket tool to fill the selection with black. When this was done I changed the hue and saturation to match my first avatar.
Next I added the nebula image from the eyes, by copying it from my first avatar and pasting it onto my second one. I then moved and stretched them into place and added a mask to paint out the extra parts. When this was done I duplicated the layer and moved the nebula image to over the second eye. After this changed the blending mode of both eyes to overlay. Next I made a new layer and added a mask to show only the lips. When this was done I changed the hue and saturation to a blue colour and the blending mode to colour burn to make him look more like a fierce Lunarlithian warrior.
Next I added the moon texture to my avatar's skin. I did this by using an elliptical marquee tool to select the moon, copied it, and pasted it onto my avatar. I then used the mask from the skin layer from this one and changed the blending mode to overlay.
Next I made a blue background. I did this by duplicating a layer I already had, removing the mask, then using the magic wand tool to select the grey background and adding a mask. After this I chanded the hue to a blue colour, slightly increasing the saturation and drecreasing the light to make it darker. I also changed the blending mode of his hair to vivid light so that it glowed more.
Then I added gills to my male avatar. I did this the same way as in the first avatar.
Finally I created the underwater affect again. I did this by creating a new layer, filling it with white, rendering clouds and choosing chrome. After this I lowered the opacity. Then I added a new layer, again rendered clouds, changed the blending mode to colour burn and used a mask and a very soft brush to paint pretty much all but the edges out. This created a dark and mysterious effect and added a finishing touch to my male avatar.
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