Could transmit what the god sees into the head, as eyes are closed, and then process information and emmitts it, dove symbol
Mountains are closer to gods
Mother nature, in the mountains because everywhere else is destroyed
Could be a god emitting the thought of religion
Dreaming of utopia
Thoughts are going up into the sky to feed creatures
Hands symbolic of grabbing things, associated with connection, sharing love
Sticks could be nails, relating to jesus on the cross, hands suffering, earth is in pain
Hands could be a wall of pipeline, with stuff – blood, information – flowing through it
Animals from the mountain side mutated to adapt to city life
Similar to avatar –
The creature have been exploited by humans – people inside doing actions like they are driving, circle symbolise control, walking on destroyed forests – symbolised destruction of nature
These arms could be working for the lady/ younger versions of the hand being trained
Flowers initially sleep, then awake as the light comes
Solar panels to absorb energy
Line in the song – I’m not supposed to feel
Could be replacing humans, have their own organs – later on see the heart pumping in the hand, have their own character, future/destiny
Before it was exploited it was just a creature – is now evolved, future has changed
Looks like their massaging the earth, putting energy into the city, relieving stress, giving new life
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