Additional Notes


Could transmit what the god sees into the head, as eyes are closed, and then process information and emmitts it, dove symbol

Mountains are closer to gods

Mother nature, in the mountains because everywhere else is destroyed

Could be a god emitting the thought of religion

Dreaming of utopia

Thoughts are going up into the sky to feed creatures

Hands symbolic of grabbing things, associated with connection, sharing love

Sticks could be nails, relating to jesus on the cross, hands suffering, earth is in pain

Hands could be a wall of pipeline, with stuff – blood, information – flowing through it

Animals from the mountain side mutated to adapt to city life

Similar to avatar –

The creature have been exploited by humans – people inside doing actions like they are driving, circle symbolise control, walking on destroyed forests – symbolised destruction of nature

These arms could be working for the lady/ younger versions of the hand being trained

Flowers initially sleep, then awake as the light comes

Solar panels to absorb energy

Line in the song – I’m not supposed to feel

Could be replacing humans, have their own organs – later on see the heart pumping in the hand, have their own character, future/destiny

Before it was exploited it was just a creature – is now evolved, future has changed

Looks like their massaging the earth, putting energy into the city, relieving stress, giving new life

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Notes on Miwa Matrayek's Animations


  • Black and white – dull and dismal, gritty, cold
  • Hand machine, blender, guys on spanners
  • Lethargic atmosphere
  • Abstract, surreal
  • Retro, old school
  • Geometric, sharp, boxy shapes
  • Positive space, full of objects, stuff


  • Starts with negative space and quiet sounds and creaks
  • Imagery is associated with a circus
  • Black and white – old circus
  • Sounds to create the noisy, bight, albeit strange atmosphere generally associated with a circus

DIGITOPIA – utopia: a place where

  • Starts with a sun/Hindu god
  • Representation of a bunch of things
  • Head coming out of the mountains,
  • brain appears (looks like a flower, represents growth, mother earth/nature) – (butterfly, freedom) – (tree of life, knowledge) – (angel, heaven)
  • emits rings – sounds, thoughts, brainwaves, energy, love?
  • ‘plants’ and ‘flowers’ formed by hands consume the ‘energy’, ‘life force’
  • hands in the city are dying, away from nature
  • humans exploit hands to use as transport
  • Reflexology (nerves in hand connected to body organs) and palmistry (reading hands to see the future) chakra points
  • Hand 1 – points, intestines, spleen/pancreas, small intestine, brain, stomach, eyeball, mouth, lungs, heart,
  • Mysticism, hands are important in every religion, represent human emotions, human body, human spirit
  • Artist used digital backs to represent city, dark, scary, mouths,
  • Microscope, examining reproducing cells

Shot 1: This shot depicts an eye connected to multiple hand moving in the sky above mountains

It could be:

  • A representation of the Hindu god Vishnu, who has multiple arms, flying in the sky – represents spirituality
  • A representation of the sun, rising in the morning
  • A futuristic flying vehicle – represents technology
  • A combination of religious and physical representations created into a form of deity or god that exists in this from of utopia

Shot 2: This shot contains a large head protruding from the mountains, in which an image of a brain appears and begins to emit white circular lines

It could be:

  • Mother Earth/Nature waking up, with the image appearing in her head being a flower or tree to represent either beauty, nature, growth, life or knowledge, and emitting rays of energy/sound/light/love
  • Alternatively, the image could be a butterfly and represent freedom
  • The head could also be a giant stuck in a mountain sending out thought or brainwaves for help

Shot 3: This shot depicts multitudes of arms protruding from the mountains, moving around as the circular lines hit them

It could be:

  • Creatures living in this utopia, who feed off the rays of light/energy/love, and are moving around to better absorb them
  • The arms of trapped giants, moving around in desperation to escape
  • Trees/plants/flowers moving around to absorb the sunlight

Shot 4: This shot depicts giant arms moving or twitching in a city

It could be:

  • Creatures kidnaped from the wild to be exploited by humans, whose life force is fading away in the mechanical surroundings of the city
  • Chopped-off giants’ arms left behind in the aftermath of a war
  • Invading creatures, who are attempting to destroy the city
  • A form of transport in this utopia

Shot 5: This shot depicts hands with people in them walking around on what looks like dead tress next to a building

  • The creatures being exploited as transport by humans – represents slavery, destruction of nature
  • The hands ate the people or are developing into people
  • Merely depicts one of the various uses of hands

Shot 6: The hands are performing actions on and a round a multitude of different electronic devices while a woman stands by, whose arm turns into a zig-zag shape

It could be:

  • The hands could be enslaved by the woman, and forced to work on a representation of a machine
  • In this utopia they could exist as a race similar to humans, or a more evolved version of the human race
  • The woman could be evolving to become like them

Shot 7: This shot depicts another scene of the hands on the mountain, this time moving in unison.

It could be:

  • Similar to before, they are moving in order to soak up the light/energy/love
  • They are moving in unison in a form of mourning for those of their kin that have been enslaved as the world develops and become digitalised
  • They are searching for sustenance as no more energy rings are coming

Shot 8: This shot depicts two hands, one with points and images of various organs, and the other with numerous symbols and lines

It could be:

  • A representation of reflexology, depicting how nerve points in the hand are connected to various organs
  • A representation of palmistry, depicting how palms can be used to read ones future and pathway through life, as well as health and character
  • An explanation from the director for how the hand exist by themselves, by taking theory and making it literal and real in these creatures

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Year 9 Creative Media Design by Insight © 2009